The Horse Physio - Delivering care with expertise since 1992

18.7.2022: Jan and Rebel

A Guest Blog By Jan Daley

The Husband led us for our first outing, a beautiful 7.9 mile loop, with a 1/2 mile section along one of the loneys (ancient road, built on bedrock and boulders, bordered by stone walls) that I intend to use regularly. The bumps and jolts over the rough ground startled and unsettled Rebel, but we took our time and stopped a few times to allow him to gather himself.

On our second outing, we started along another loney, and when we reached the end, The Husband unclipped us, and we trotted up a long steep hill – which would have been impossible in the exercise cart.

Our third drive was in company with 2 other vehicles pulled by a cob and a pair of Fells, and after starting as the back marker, we were invited to lead. And lead we did! Rebel scampered out in front, relishing the competition and leaving the big ponies eating his dust.

We had one more drive escorted by The Husband, before being turned loose on the unsuspecting public, on the understanding that I didn’t attempt any of the loneys unaccompanied, or at least not without informing “Base Camp” of my intended route, and adhering to it (which I wouldn’t do anyway – it’s good enough that I’m supervised from afar without being disrespectful of the help and support so thoughtfully afforded me).

After review by my local Respiratory team, I’ve been offered a trial of liquid oxygen to see if it will help me maintain my level of physical activity. Not sure how this will work, and I’m sure it will be another challenge. However, as I’ve told my many consultants when they how I’m coping, “denial, diversion and distraction work for me”, so having nearly completed my Drive500 challenge (drive 500 miles in 12 months), my new goals for 2021 are: accomplishing the RDA Carriage Driving tasks set for me (both with RDACD ponies and with Rebel; driving Rebel on the beach; and driving him in Tollymore Forest Park.

Rule 23: I’ll get by with the help of my friends!

© Sue Palmer, The Horse Physio, 2021

Treating your horse with care, connection, curiosity, and compassion

July 18, 2022
Sue Palmer