The Horse Physio - Delivering care with expertise since 1992

18.9.2022: Jan and Rebel

A Guest Blog By Jan Daley

RDACD Grades 3&4 Carriage Driving and Horse Care: passed! Eileen Cornish, head of DRA Carriage Driving, assessed and was happy for me to begin working towards single driver, ie lose the dual control reins, and drive from the bit by myself. All exciting stuff!, and I enjoyed the experience of driving a different pony to a different vehicle.

Joe and I had a couple of days out at the Northern Ireland Carriage Driving Association 2DE at Shane’s Castle, supporting a friend and RDACD coach. Dressage and cones on Saturday, marathon on Sunday. It looked like great fun, and afterwards my carriage driving coach’s husband started encouraging me to ask the Chairman of NICDA if I could have a go at even just driving the course with Rebel.

After a couple of messages back and forth, and some contact with Very Small Equine drivers from the south of Ireland who have also expressed interest in competing in a VSE class, it seems the Association intend to organise such a class next year! I’ve established that Joe accompanying me on a bicycle may be acceptable as my groom – if that’s not the case, I’m stuffed, but at least it’s something to dream, and plan, and scheme towards, during the winter months.

So much for my “oh, I couldn’t be bothered competing!”

And … To that end … I have ordered a new (slightly longer!) girth, and a new trace to upgrade my spares kit. I fear I’m going to have to dig around in the wardrobe for something appropriate to wear in a dressage and cones class – I might even have to buy something!!!

We will have to consider either tiring daily travelling, or camping with oxygen logistics, corralling, Snowy and dog care … it’s quite a daunting undertaking after years of health-induced restrictions.

Rule 27: Ask, and you shall (maybe!) receive!

© Sue Palmer, The Horse Physio, 2021

Treating your horse with care, connection, curiosity, and compassion

September 18, 2022
Sue Palmer