The Horse Physio - Delivering care with expertise since 1992

22.3.2021 Engagement on social media

“I like commenting on your “engagement” posts. Engagement is so important when you’re running a business.It’s just something small I can do for friends who have businesses” FB follower

Did you know that the more you comment on my posts, the more people will see them? The way that Facebook and Instagram decide who sees a business’s posts is always changing. But one thing is constant. The more interaction there is on a post, the more visible they will make other posts I share around that time. I have around 11,200 followers on Facebook at the time of writing, but only a very small fraction of these will get to see my posts. The more you like and comment, the more people will see them.

As human beings, we follow what’s known as ‘social proof’. When we see that lots of other people are doing something, we instinctively assume that’s a good thing to do. If someone we like or respect shows an interest something, then we are more likely to show an interest in it ourselves.

This means that the more of you who click ‘like’ on my posts, the more that other people are likely to read them. It also means that if you share one of my posts on your own Facebook feed, or on your Instagram story, then your friends are more likely to see them. And because they’re your friends, they’ll trust your judgement more than they would trust mine, since they probably don’t know me.

So what I’m asking you for is engagement with my social media. If you like what I have to say, and what my guest bloggers have to say, then please would you help me out? Make sure you’re ‘following’ my page on Facebook and / or Instagram. Take a second to click ‘like’ (or another emoji) when you read one of my posts. If you’ve got the time, pop a comment on as well. If you think the post warrants it, share it on your own Facebook feed, or in your Instagram story, or repost it on Instagram. That way, the algorithms will cause my posts to show up in more people’s social media feeds.

Thanks in advance!

© Sue Palmer, The Horse Physio 2021

Treating your horse with care, connection, curiosity and compassion
