The Horse Physio - Delivering care with expertise since 1992

3.1.2022: Jan And Rebel

A Guest Blog By Jan Daley

A couple of weeks after that iconic (for me) drive, we were on one of our usual 6.5mile drives, when an impatient motorist came speeding up behind us as we started down a hill. Rebel tried to trot on, tripped, and fell on the road, cutting his knees. I immediately dismounted from the cart to check him over, and the driver overtook and drove on, careless of any damage or injury he may have caused.

Having a very minor first aid kit in my spares bag, I ascertained that the pony had cut knees, was likely bruised and sore, but seemed to be not badly hurt. I remounted, travelled another mile, then realised we had a puncture. I rang The Husband, who came to rescue us. He tried re-inflating the tyre, but Northern Irish blackthorn is made of stern stuff, so Joe tied the cart in through the boot of the car, as I unharnessed Rebel, and he returned so that he would walk the final 1.5 miles home with the pony since my lung function wouldn’t cope with that distance.

The next fortnight was spent ensuring the wounds on Rebel’s knees were clean, fly-free – during hot sunny July and August weather – and that he was comfortable. He revelled in having time off, as he had been working hard, getting fit for our Big Adventure. I learned about spider bandages, vet wrap, and the godsend of clean old socks secured with duct tape to keep it all in place; tea tree oil for cleaning and disinfecting wounds; and Manuka honey for sealing and healing.

We got back into work from September through to the bad weather, and I have been very careful to never let Rebel try to hurry out of the way of impatient motorists again.

Rule 13: Hold your line in the road!

© Sue Palmer, The Horse Physio, 2021

Treating your horse with care, connection, curiosity and compassion

January 1, 2022
Sue Palmer