The Horse Physio - Delivering care with expertise since 1992

How do you keep warm with horses?

What’s a ‘piece of string day‘?

In January, I was lucky enough (?!) to treat a horse in the snow on a Welsh hillside. It was so beautiful that I had to stop and take a video on the last part of the journey there. How would you keep warm in this situation?

I asked people this question in a recent Facebook post, which is where I came across the notion of a ‘piece of string day’. Confused? I’ll explain…

Jackie Jones commented in reply to my post “…Extra piece of string to trap warm air inside if really cold. Known in our family as a piece of string day…” Tracy Adams asked her to elaborate on the ‘piece of string day’. Jackie replied, “Literally. When bales had string. Took a piece of baler twine and tied it round our waists because realistically to farm we had five layers and then tied the string outside. It trapped the air and stopped the draft. It’s only in the extreme but it solved the how to keep warm”.

My (not so) equivalent in terms of keeping warm is my heated gilet (affiliate link). Martin Lewis, the MoneySavingExpert, has recommended to ‘heat the human not the home’, and I have to say that I often wear my gilet indoors as well.

What’s your equivalent of a piece of string?

Sue Palmer MCSP, aka The Horse Physio, is an award-winning Chartered Physiotherapist promoting kind and fair treatment of horses through education with empathy.

Author of ‘Harmonious Horsemanship’ (co-authored with Dr Sue Dyson), ‘Understanding Horse Performance: Brain, Pain or Training?’ and ‘Horse Massage for Horse Owners’, Sue is registered with the RAMP, the ACPAT, the IHA, the CSP and the HCPC.

You can find more information and daily blogs at The Horse Physio, and follow Sue on Facebook at The Horse Physio.


January 18, 2024
Sue Palmer