The Horse Physio - Delivering care with expertise since 1992

No Mud, No Lotus

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I woke up to a negative review on my Facebook page and a particularly nasty personal message. It made no sense to me. I didn’t know who the lady was, and I didn’t understand what she was accusing me of. Thank goodness for my Facebook followers, who solved the mystery for me!

A case of mistaken identity

It turns out there was a case of mistaken identity. Someone impersonated my page and set up their own profile on Facebook called ‘The Horse Physio’. They posted some unkind comments, and it was assumed that those comments were from me. This was a distressing situation, but the overwhelming love and encouragement from my followers, including friends, family, and colleagues, helped me navigate through it. Your support was invaluable and I am truly grateful for it. The page has now been taken down, as has the review. 

“… a vulnerability I had previously underestimated.”

One of the things this experience has taught me is how fragile my social media presence is – a vulnerability I had previously underestimated. Reflecting on this incident, I’ve come to appreciate the importance of alternative channels of communication beyond social media. That’s why I’m reaching out to you today, urging you to subscribe to my weekly newsletter. It’s a free, no-obligation way to stay connected with me, ensuring that we can keep in touch no matter what happens to my social media platforms.

But that’s not all—by subscribing, you’ll gain access to exclusive content, freebies, and discounts. It’s our little corner of the internet, where we can share news, views, and updates on all things horses, health, and happiness.

No mud, no lotus

The phrase, ‘No mud, no lotus,’ resonated profoundly with me that day. As Yael Shy explains, “The lotus flower, a symbol of awakening in Buddhist and other spiritual traditions, blooms in the muckiest, muddiest swamps. Its roots begin under the swamp water and its buds reach their way to the surface where they burst forth into stunning pink or white flowers. If you want the beauty of the lotus flower, there is no getting around the mud.” 

Subscribe to my free newsletter and join Team Horses: Health and Happiness

From adversity springs growth. So, I invite you today to subscribe and join me on Team Horses: Health and Happiness. Together, we’ll navigate the muddy waters of life’s challenges and emerge stronger, more resilient, and more connected than ever before. Sign up for my newsletter today, and let’s continue this journey together toward happier, healthier horses and a brighter future for us all.

Meet Sue Palmer

Sue Palmer MCSP, aka The Horse Physio, is an award-winning author, educator, and Chartered Physiotherapist who promotes the kind and fair treatment of horses through empathetic education. Sue specialises in understanding the links between equine pain and behaviour and is registered with the RAMP, the ACPAT, the IHA, the CSP and the HCPC.

Popular books and online courses include:

Harmonious Horsemanship, co-authored with Dr Sue Dyson (book)

Understanding Horse Performance: Brain, Pain or Training? (book)

Horse Massage for Horse Owners (book)

Horse Massage for Horse Owners (online course)

Stretching Your Horse: A Guide to Keeping Your Equine Friend Happy and Healthy (online course)

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